Asphalt Gone Wrong: Signs and Consequences of Failing Pavement

When your asphalt begins showing signs of wear and tear, it's time to investigate and secure the necessary repairs immediately. 

What happens to asphalt, and what are the signs?

Asphalt is a combination of crushed stones and gravel bonded by a petroleum glue, making it susceptible to the elements of the seasons. The summer's heat dries out the surface causing oxidization and cracking. The cold of winter causes water to freeze, thaw, and refreeze, causing cracks to enlarge. Rain and wind also harden the surface, making it frail. Not only the weather, but also heavy traffic and friction from tires contributes to the depreciation of your pavement.

Signs that your asphalt is defective or beginning to deteriorate include fading color, oil spots, cracking, standing water or mud, wrinkling, ruts, and potholes. 

Why is it important to maintain the pavement's condition?

Leaving minor damage to grow can turn into a much bigger, and more costly, hassle later. Proper maintenance also ensures the satisfaction of your clientele, showing your attention to their well-being so they have a safe and intact area for parking or walking. This also offers an appealing first impression for potential clients.

When is the best time to repair or replace my asphalt lot?

The best time to schedule any necessary repairs is now, as summer begins fading into autumn. The materials form a stronger foundation when the temperature is above 55 degrees, but it is also important to make sure you're clear of rain that could wash away the asphalt sealer. 

Be sure to schedule necessary asphalt maintenance this season to keep your pavement in exceptional condition and ensure affordable care of your property.

Asphalt repair in Independence Ohio