Flange Back Gutters: A Superior Solution for Your Commercial Roof

Flange Back Gutters are a revolutionary gutter system, allowing you to control water flow and eliminate the possibility of water sneaking behind the gutter if the tube freezes in the winter.

If the tube was to clog then the water would either back up onto the roof or would overflow towards the front. However, it would not get behind the gutter as it had in the past with a typical gutter and drip cap system.

Another asset of this system is that the wall height is completely customizable. This controls the flow of water towards the drains and also can make the gutter sit perfectly on the ledge, sill or any other job condition. It also eliminates the gaps that would occur under the gutter possibly creating wind-driven vulnerabilities.

Flange Back Gutters are beneficial for all commercial applications because of the simple installation and the longer lengths that help avoid possible failure points.

For more information on quality gutter solutions for your building, contact Southwest Companies for a free estimate today.